Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Big 4-0!

It's official. No more avoiding it. No more forgetting it. It's happened.
I'm 40 years old. Entering my 5th decade of life. Oh my.

I got such an enthusiastic greeting this morning, I just can't be sad about my age. Blake, my 8-year-old son really goes all out in celebrating Mommy. This is a wonderful result of living in Brazil where there is no shortage of enthusiasm and demonstrated affection. This morning he had made a banner, hung it himself, and painted face paint all over his body saying "Happy Birthday Mommy!!" (exactly backwards because he had done it himself in the mirror).
Align Left

"Look Mom, I did it myself!"


Stan said...

Welcome to the 40's I have been there for two years-three in February. It really isn't so bad. Hope you had a wonderful day. Thanks for all you do.


Alison said...


Campbell Dunson said...

Thanks, y'all!

Anonymous said...

We praise God for your life.
Wow!! U are really cute and lovely.
I love u.